Thursday, September 19, 2013

Somerset Pa Dual Sport Ride 9/14/2013

Last weekend I met up with a large crew of RCR guys to do a dual sport ride in the Somerset, Pa area. Within the first couple of miles we had two guys go down on a gravel strewn corner. One sustained injuries severe enough for a trip to the local hospital. Total damage was four broken ribs and a smashed collar bone. After getting him and his bike taken care of, we made our way to Walat's for some giant burgers and ham sandwiches. 

At lunch we picked up a couple of more riders and then headed to the Flight 93 Memorial.

From there we headed back to our starting point and got our crashed friend back from the hospital before hitting the pavement back home. Other than the crash, it was a fun day of riding on some nice scenic Pa back roads.